0800 687 748

Guidelines for Submitting a Referral

GP's or Specialist's making a referral for a driving assessment

Please provide our team with any medical information that may be relevant to a client's safety to drive.  If you wish to provide documents with this referral, please either email these to info@otrs.co.nz or fax them directly to 07 838 0152 once you have submitted the referral form below.  

General Public making a referral for a driving assessment

OTRS requires medical clearance to progress with a driving assessment.  Please contact your GP or Specialist to request they complete an online referral,   

OTRS will contact you once the referral has been received to make an appointment.

Medical Driving Assessment Referral Form

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Thank you, your referral has been sent successfully and the OTRS Team will be in touch to arrange your assessment. A report will be sent once the assessment has been completed.


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